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These are some pics of my fav. WWE wrestlers~~~!

Bret Hitman Hart!!!!
For ever Legend,
He was a true legend. Best there is, Bets there was & the best there evr will be!!!
Undertaker Yard~!
The Undertaker, You may Call him DEAD MAN WALKIN'!!!
The Rock!!!
The Rock is THE IRON MAN in ring!!!!
IF ya smellalalalaaaaaaay what therock is cookin'
The Great One!!!
The Rock is known as THE GREAT ONE!!!, Because, He is thew only man in whole hostory to hold the WWE champinoship title 7 times!!!
Thats The Man ROCK
The Undertaker
This is some descriptive text.
Brok Lesnart!!!
An ANimal, WHo is A beast, He cdopnt deserve to be called Human BEing, He Is A Beast.